Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Static in the Rain

Standing still in time
-Motion blur all around her-
Chin facing skyward

Mascara tracks weave webs
Across her porcelain skin
Driving rain beats down
Onto her smiling face

The bustle of the world
Is muted
As she feels a kiss
From each raindrop lover


  1. Painted a great picture with your words, love how all just stops and she just takes it in.

  2. the raindrop lovers are worth that the mascara gets ruined...i gladly give in to them...smiles...happy rain day!

  3. ah love the raindrop lovers line...and if the mascara was running before the shower i hope it sooths her...

  4. Very strong visuals here, Like this esp -

    Mascara tracks weave webs
    Across her porcelain skin

  5. Oh, I love those last two lines...great imagery here, made we wish to be standing out there in the rain.

  6. Thanks all for your lovely comments :-) ..this is the first time I've really shared my efforts at writing so the nice comments are so lovely to read! ..wish I could figure Blogger out a little more though, I'm finding it difficult!
